DOQQ 2008 coastal imagery

Digital orthophoto quarter quadrangle (DOQQ) imagery of coastal areas of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, created in 2008. The dataset includes true color and color infrared layers.


Collection date: 2008
Resolution: 1 meter
Coverage: Coastal Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama
Downloadable data format: MrSid
Metadata included with imagery


Map + Downloads

Individual quarter-quads can be located and downloaded from the Atlas DOQQ map.


FTP Bulk Download

To download files in bulk, connect to the Atlas DOQQ FTP site with software like WinSCP.


Web Services

The Atlas DOQQ web service provides a coastal mosaic of the 2008 DOQQs.



The imagery contained in this dataset was created by Photo Science, Inc., as part of a project funded by the Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) and the U.S. Geological Survey. The image is a digital orthophoto quarter quadrangle (DOQQ), which is a raster image in which displacement in the image caused by sensor orientation and terrain relief has been removed and combines the image characteristics of a photo with geometric qualities of a map. To create the image, Photo Science, Inc., used digital mapping camera (DMC) technology which allows for the creation of four components: digital imagery (non-georeferenced pan 1 meter and non-georeferenced Red, Green, Blue, and IR 4 Band 1 meter), aerotriangulation solution for stereo creation, stereo pair generation (4.75 meter stereo images), and 4 Band digital orthophotography (1 meter 4 Band DOQQs).